Friday, January 20, 2012


 I ACCEPTING the NEW ME though its tough and slow. Have you??DO YOU? ARE YOU even trying??? Have you thought about it???
I love the new me. DO YOU? I am still recovering and growing and maturing.. Did you know that? Do you know why? Do you know my changes and losses?

 please listen to my fb friend Dr Nicole Eastman DO a TBI survivor...
From Hardship to Healing.m4v
and go read her webiste...........

its been tough rough hard steps to learn why I am different, whats changed, why the mom I was before 714pm May 13 2010 is lost, gone....why the riding instructor is lost, why the independent  divorced single working cleaning smart mom is lost...yes basically Brita Jan Trimmell Theriot dob 10 02 1963 is lost...gone....from us all gone from earth though the body is still aliving and surviving and doing well and looks great!!! 'the Body of Brita Jan has a different brain working so now there is a NEW BRITA JAN in that same body, learning new things like every baby does as growing, like every child does as growing up and maturing, as a teen does as grows up and lives alone and independently
I am in peace and even enjoy each day though each are different and unpredictable.  I am enjoying each and every day...
I live alone did you know that I do NOT drive often, I do NOT pay bills, I do NOT shop, I do NOT go to appt alones, I do NOT cook, I NOT a housecleaner, I am NOT lazy but do have physical struggles even fatigue and weakness, I can NOT coach or teach things but I can do them, I am NOT strong but with help can do things or try, I do fall walking even in my yard or house

I am still recovering and growing and maturing.. Did you know that?
Do you know why?
Do you know my changes and losses? 
When was the last time you asked me, the new Brita Jan how I was, how I felt what I was doing, any troubles any pains?
When was the last time you spent time with new Brita Jan ? and saw and heard first hand how the new Brita Jan is?
Do you invite Brita Jan to go with you anywhere, even the same places, activities events holidays birthdays that you did togther before May 13 2010 714pm? Why NOT???
Have you ever spoke to Brita Jan and told her why you and or others stay away and or avoid her? 
Do you reply to her calls or texts or even on here on FB? Why do you? Why dont you? 
God has this Brita Jan Trimmell alive and surviving severe TBI His plans .
He put yall in each others lifes, not for just for her but also for you and for others 
Do you miss the Brita that was in your life before May 13 2010 pm but is lost? Grief that lost and accept and welcome the NEW Brita

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