Saturday, January 7, 2012

I rode today WITH HELMET and Friend close

Had a great day at friends barn and RODE!!! I got midnite out of pasture ALONE!!! Then tied and groomed her--brushes and picked her hooves ALONE!!! :)))) saddled her ALONE..Friend, Barbara the barn manager, watched me and double checked saddle!!! Then I bridled her, barb helped due had to change headstall ... Another Friend the owner of midnight not there but I used her saddle on her horse :))
Barb took this pics even videos on my iPhone and said I looked great and like I was having fun good time, rode correctly too-heels done and in good balanced position !!! :)))

Had to take rest and drink water after 45 min ride (barb told how long I rode) then back on :))

Got back on so a young girl that boards her horse and sons pony there could see me ride.. She had asked if I was balanced etc when she came there and we were talking bout me riding midnight!! She barrel races, but think I had been told she was a jockey pony rider years ago (so must likely talented)... She too said I looked good, balanced, happy even talented :)) she was happy and proud of me for me

Lee the friend that's owner showed up and got to see me riding :))) during my second go on midnight!!! She so happy too and excited that I rode!!!

Another boarders mom came and saw me riding... Excited and pleased happy too!!!

They each shared how seeing me ride was and how they each felt and saw!! :)) GO BRITA!!!
Oh I did the riding on my own though Barb watched not far!! Awww the right side of my brain WORKED greatly.. Talents skills experiences etc just came to me and did this did that!! Like I was teaching myself and or exercising, training, conditioning Midnight!!

Thank you Lord!!! For the time, the friends, the horse, the round pen, the arena!!

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