Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's rough being a TBI survivor

It's rough to be a TBI survivor... I look good but have such invisible wounds!! Lost just not who I had been my whole life and was changed to a different me but lost everyone, they pulled away... I'm a divorced single mom of teenage son, no other family in this state or involve in my life before or sense... May 13 2010 I'm told a horse threw me as I was mounting... I have memory loss, yes amnesia, and short term, fatigue, aphasia, strength courage, personality changed and moods... I've been told docs didn't expect me to live and then after week said if I survived I'd be at 5 Yr old brain level not a mom not a worker not independent and never back to who what I had been at my 46.. I'm doing better, can walk, drive in daylight, cook a little but lack in getting anything finished and even hard to know how to do anything and start.. I'm alone more than w a friend, visitor or with her. I live with dogs that wake me up to go out and to feed water them... I'm on Medicaid and there not much medical care/treatment or even docs that know or handle TBI...I had been laid off before my accident and was trying to start new business so was not on good health insurance or even $$$ when this happened to me bout 20 mos ago...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jan 2012

It's tough and hard to live and survive with TBI... Told mine is severe by my neurologist and it's amazing that I'm alive!!! I look healthy, I appear good and back to me BUT I'll never be who I was the moment my head hit the ground... I'm different, and it's non curable!! I'm slowly learning how my brain has been affected from damages and how I've changed. Aphasia, memory, strength, knowledge... Every day is different.. Every thing is different everytime, the affects change too so I'm unpredictable