Sunday, January 1, 2012

Good bye 2011 and Hello 2012

wow a nice quiet New Years day...home with dogs just chilling in my recliner with doors and windows open :) I had a great ending to 2011 but still fatigued out from my awesome fun Friday with friend Maria (lucky for me to have a friend thats known me since I moved here bout 4 yrs ago and even luckier is that God put her in my life, she totally understands me and my tbi effected ways, shes a psychiatrist and her hub is a neurologist)  Maria and I stripped her stalls, cleaned her barn, disinfected the stalls and buckets. Yes we had lots of water and even sum food lol Then we went out to round pen and worked her very sensitive mare a Paso Fino she rescued last mare that had been underweight and hardly round humans...Maria would do the natural horsemanship ground work, showing, explaining and talking about it all to me then my turn :)))) she said I did awesome great job each time...I have basicallly been home sleeping and just laying very chilled since she brought me home...oh i get up to let my doggies out and feed water them then nap then they wake me back up as needed....oh and I have brought in the outside only dog and those that wont always nice to her are slowly adjusting to their new sister being inside all day and nite with us..... I leave the door open she could go back out but she choses to stay inside :)))) 

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